Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Create Popcorn Lung broken?

The smell of margarine in a typical popcorn turned out to contain the disease. A popcorn company's employees in Missouri, United States, reportedly had to undergo lung transplantation because only 20 percent of these organs to function. The reason, he too often to smell the baked using microwave popcorn. Thus disclosed Institute for Health and Safety United States in Missouri, recently.

Assessment Institute for Health and Safety at Work AS mentions the employee suffered lung from inhaling diacetyl, a chemical compound that gives a sense typical of margarine. Diacetyl is found naturally in margarine. However, employers usually add food popcorn diacetyl content of 10 percent more to add aroma and flavor of butter. This turned out to bring the risks to employees who every day breathe in the aroma.

Level of substance use diacetyl is now being discussed seriously in the United States. Therefore, natural popcorn as a snack consumed in spare time. Popcorn is going to be a hazardous food if the scent is inhaled every day. However, for consumers who only occasionally eat the popcorn does not become a big problem. The assurance was affirmed Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nevertheless, FDA advises consumers as much as possible avoid diacetyl ejected substance, if the center opened bag of popcorn that has been baked. For popcorn lovers in Indonesia, it's good to be watchful!

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