Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Liver Cancer

New Discovery About Liver Cancer! The Do not Sleep Too Night
physician at National Taiwan Hospital recently shocked the world of medicine
since the discovery of cases of a young doctor who is 37 years old during
This very trust the results of liver function (GOT, GPT), but
was the eve of Hari Raya Lunar positive note has liver cancer
length of 10 cm far, almost everyone is very dependent on the outcome
index of liver function tests (Liver Function Index). They think if
examination showed a normal index means everything is OK.

Misconceptions of this kind was also performed by many physicians
specialist. Really surprising, doctors should provide
the right knowledge in the general population, it has
knowledge that is not true. Prevention of liver cancer should be done with
correct. There is no other way except to detect and treat it as early as
possible, so the doctor said Hsu Chin Chuan. But ironically, it turns out
physicians who deal with liver cancer can also have a wrong view,
even misleading the public, this is why the biggest cause of liver cancer
difficult to cure. We have a patient who complained of physician Hsu
that over the last month is often experience severe abdominal pain and
he lost so much. After the examination of new supersound
discovered the existence of a very large liver cancer, nearly 80% of her liver
(Heart) has been eaten up. Patients are very shocked, How is it possible?

Last year just doing medical check-ups and the results were all normal.
How is it possible in just one year could be relatively short
liver cancer grow so big? Apparently he was doing check-ups
just check liver function.

The results also showed a normal examination. Examination of liver function is
one of the most careful examination items known by the public. But
This item is also the most misunderstood by our society (Taiwan).
In general, people think that if the results of the examination function index
showed normal heart rate means there is no problem with the heart. But
this view led to the emergence of sad stories because of loss of
opportunity to detect cancer since the early stages. Doctor Hsu said,
GOT and GPT are the most common enzymes in the liver cells.
If there is inflammation of the liver or for one reason or other reasons so that the liver cells
death, the GOT and GPT will run out. This causes the womb and
GPT in the blood increases. But not an increase in the number GOT
and GPT does not mean there is no hardening of the liver or absence
liver cancer. For many people with liver inflammation, although the condition of liver inflammation
they have stopped, but in the liver (liver), they have formed the fibers
and hardening of the liver. With the formation of hardening of the heart, it will be easy
arise once for liver cancer.! In addition, in the early stages of liver cancer, the index
heart also will not increase. Because in times of cancer growth,
only the cells surrounding the attack so damaged and die. Because of this damage is only a small scale, the number of GOT and GPT might still within normal limits, say ride will not increase rates. But because many people do not understand this so that the result there are many sad stories.

The main causes of liver damage are:
1. Sleeping too late and waking up too late are main cause of most.
2. Not urinating in the morning.
3. A diet that is too excessive.
4. Do not eat breakfast.
5. Consuming too much medication.
6. Consuming too much preservatives, additives, dyes,
artificial sweeteners.
7. Unhealthy cooking oil. As much as possible reduce the use of
cooking oil when frying foods, this is also true though
using the best cooking oils like olive oil. Do not
consume fried foods when you are tired, except
the body is very fit.
8. Consuming raw (overly done) foods also add to the burden
hati.Sayur vegetables eaten raw or cooked 3 / 5 parts. Vegetable
which should be eaten fried on the spot, do not store. We must
prevent this without spending tambahan.Cukup
set lifestyle and patterns of daily food.

Treatment of eating habits and time condition are very necessary for our bodies
to perform absorption and disposal of substances that are not useful
in accordance with the schedule. For:
*. Pk night 9-11: disposal of substances is not useful / toxic (detoxin)
in the antibody system (lymph nodes). During this time duration
should be spent by relaxing or listening to music. When the time
was a housewife is still in an unrelaxed state such as
such as washing dishes or watching children learn, this can affect
negative for health.
*. Evening at 11pm - early morning 1: during the process of detoxification in the liver, should
take place in a deep sleep state.
*. Early morning 1 - 3: de-toxification process in the gall, also took place in
sleep state.
*. Early morning 3 - 5: de-toxification in the lungs. Because it will happen cough
great for cough sufferers during this time. Due process
cleansing (detoxification) had reached the respiratory tract, then there should be
take cough medicine so as not to hinder the process of sewage.
*. Morning pk 5-7: de-toxification in the colon, you have to pee in the toilet.
*. Morning pk 7-9: absorption of nutrients in the small intestine, must eat
morning. For people who are sick should eat more in the morning ie before 6:30.
Breakfast before 7:30 pk extremely good for those who want to maintain
health. For those who do not eat breakfast please change
this habit, even still better late breakfast until pk 90-10
than not eating at all. Sleeping too late and waking up too late
will disrupt the process of disposal of substances is not useful. In addition, from
midnight until 4 o'clock in the morning is the time for bone marrow
back to produce blood. For that reason, sleep tight and
Do not stay up.

Create Popcorn Lung broken?

The smell of margarine in a typical popcorn turned out to contain the disease. A popcorn company's employees in Missouri, United States, reportedly had to undergo lung transplantation because only 20 percent of these organs to function. The reason, he too often to smell the baked using microwave popcorn. Thus disclosed Institute for Health and Safety United States in Missouri, recently.

Assessment Institute for Health and Safety at Work AS mentions the employee suffered lung from inhaling diacetyl, a chemical compound that gives a sense typical of margarine. Diacetyl is found naturally in margarine. However, employers usually add food popcorn diacetyl content of 10 percent more to add aroma and flavor of butter. This turned out to bring the risks to employees who every day breathe in the aroma.

Level of substance use diacetyl is now being discussed seriously in the United States. Therefore, natural popcorn as a snack consumed in spare time. Popcorn is going to be a hazardous food if the scent is inhaled every day. However, for consumers who only occasionally eat the popcorn does not become a big problem. The assurance was affirmed Agency U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Nevertheless, FDA advises consumers as much as possible avoid diacetyl ejected substance, if the center opened bag of popcorn that has been baked. For popcorn lovers in Indonesia, it's good to be watchful!

TIPS: Turn off the Lights When Sleep Tonight

Turning off the lights when the dark night's sleep quietly collaborating
with the body. Only in a state that is really dark body
produce melatonin, a hormone in the immune system is able to fight and prevent various diseases including breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Conversely, sleep with the lights on at night - no matter how small
light causes the production of the hormone melatonin stopped.
Joan Roberts biologists discovered this secret after conducting experiments
in animals.
When the animals were given artificial light at night, melantoninnya
decreased and weakened his immune system.
Apparently, the lights - as well as TV - causes hormones to be
very tired.
Therefore, in addition to saving energy, by turning off lights when you sleep
is a natural way to improve the health of the body.

Stroke? chew tomato seeds

Maybe all this while cooking, you hate to throw away the seeds of tomatoes, because you do not like them or because you feel disgusted, especially by the slippery fluid that came with tomato seeds. But, if you know the usefulness, in the future could be in recipes, you will always be with tomato seeds.

A study conducted Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen,
Scotland found the efficacy of tomato seeds for health. As quoted
health magazine Prevention, Asim K Dutta-Roy, PhD, the researcher find, liquid or slippery yellow jelly beans are in the vicinity
tomatoes, contain a compound or mixture of ingredients that works to fight
stroke and heart disease.

The study also found that if you drink tomato juice without
discard seeds, then about 72 percent you have to reduce the risk of
occurrence of blood clots that can cause heart attacks.
Oops, small seeds that mucus was really great usefulness, huh?

Heart Attacks and Drinking Warm Water ....

This article is very good. Not just about drinking warm water after
eat, but also about the heart attack. It makes sense ... Chinese and
Japanese people drink hot tea with their meals .. not cold water ..
maybe it is time we adopt habits like drinking warm water
their loss .. Ga. .. even profit ..

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is suitable for you.
It is nice to drink a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, water
cold will solidify the oily stuff that you've just eaten. And
slow down the digestion of food. When this precipitate reacts with
gastric acid, the sediment will be divided and absorbed by the intestine faster
rather than solid food. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will
turn into fats and lead to cancer.

Best to drink hot soup or warm water after a meal.
Note serious about heart attacks: Not all symptoms of an attack
heart is sore in the left arm. Be aware of intense pain
in the jaw.

Maybe we will not experience chest pain when the first
heart attack. Nausea and excessive sweating is a symptom
which are common. 60% of those having a heart attack when
sleep did not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from sleeping soundly. Be careful
and berwaspada. The more we know, the better chance we
for survivors.
A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this mail
sends it to 10 people, we could save at least 1
lives. Read it, it could save your life
Be a true friend and send this article to all your friends

Original Message Share from a friend.
Hopefully helpful colleague and friend,
An early indication of cancer and tumors are usually preceded by the full bag
bile with stones. All people tend to gall contains a stone, but
in certain circumstances would be a disease, the bottom of this article has given
my way out, where four doctors to make sure I have an operation. Because
a few weeks ago, I was exposed to hepatitis A and the sonogram was bile
I filled with stones. Bile full with stones ill will we know
normal juncture, I just know after doctors performed an ultrasound Heart and
bile. According to Doctor: gall bladder operation with lift bags
bile with major surgery or laparoscopy. Costs will be our
remove u / surgery tsbt ranged between 40-60 million. (For operation only)
Please read the original article at the bottom of Dr Lai Chiu-Nan, how
remove gall stones without surgery and the cost is very cheap and not
damage to our bodies. Subhanallah I have followed his advice and
alhamdulillah out all my gallstones without surgery. (This is not detoxinasi,
but like cleaning the stomach). My ultrasound results have been full of bile
stone, after doing this treatment I requested an ultrasound come back as
evidence. Sure enough ... my gall bladder is empty ...
Somehow I express gratitude to Dr Lai Chiu-Nan,
but I just wanted to share the experience according to the intention of Dr. Chiu-Nan Lai
share experiences to saudara2 us for free. Suggestion: For those who
healthy ... try, because when we are sick of acute or chronic ... not tasty.
This is one way of avoiding cancer and tumor and liver function
bile: Neutralizes toxins in the body, neutralizing the fat we Bile / create
to in the development of the body. Both are related to each other ... ... means that the net kedua2nya
we have a normal healthy body functions for both.
Wasalam, Healthy belongs to us all .. Very well, if we ever
gallbladder cleanse
we .


Antibiotics? Who's Afraid? Maybe that's how most patients thinks mind Indonesia when given a prescription by a physician when medical treatment ... because it already often given the AB, we immediately wrote to drink without questioning
first whether it is true we need to AB? So when do we need and when not?
This summary briefly discusses what it was AB and some topics
related .....

What is AB?
AB was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1929 and used for
kill bacteria directly or weaken the bacteria so that
can then be killed by our immune system. AB is the
is 1. natural products, 2. semi-synthetic, derived from nature are made with some
changes to make it more robust, reducing the side effects or to expand
types of bacteria can be killed, 3. full synthetic.

Types of Antibiotics:
1. Narrow spectrum, useful for killing bacteria jenis2 specifically.
Maybe if the military can be equated with the sniper, shoot a target
appropriately. AB belonging to ampicillin and narrow-spectrum is
amoxycilin (augmentin, surpas, Bactrim, septrim).
2. Broad-spectrum, killing all types of bacteria in the body, or can be
equated with a nuclear bomb. It is advisable to avoid consuming AB
this type, because the more toxic and also kill other bacterial species
very useful for our body. AB in this category is
cephalosporin (cefspan, cefat, Keflex, velosef, duricef, etc.).

Bacteria based on its physical properties can be divided into two, namely Gram positive (+)
and gram negative (-). Infection on the upper diaphragm (chest) is generally caused
by Gram (+) while the infection under the diaphragm caused
by bacteria gram (-). Usually, infections caused by gram (+) more
easily resisted. In our bodies there are a lot of bacteria, even one
one is the bacterial content of breast milk. So, in fact, most bacteria
not "evil". Benefits of our intestines and bacteria are:
1. bacteria change what we eat into the nutrients needed by
2. produce vitamins B & K.
3. repair old cells and intestinal wall is damaged.
4. stimulate bowel movements so that we do not easily throw up (constipation).
5. breeding inhibit bad bacteria and indirectly prevent our bodies so as not infected with bad bacteria.

Now we know the benefits, so do not drink AB again without any reason
Clearly, as this will kill the good bacteria.

Although fellow micro-organisms, viruses much smaller
compared with bacteria. They breed by using cell
our bodies, so the virus will die when positioned outside the body. Important note: virus
can not be killed by drugs and AB did not work against viruses.
Viruses can only be eradicated by the immune system or our immune system, one
of them is with a fever. Fever is part of the power system
useful immune system to eradicate the virus, because viruses are not resistant
with a high body temperature. So if the child / you have a fever,
should not be treated if their body temperature is not too high.
When AB does not work?
According to research, there are 3 conditions that are generally treated with AB, ie
1. Fever, 2. Sore throat, 3. Diarrhea. And, in fact, use
AB to the above condition is inappropriate and unhelpful.
Below are instructions when antibiotics are not working:
1. Colds & Flu
2. Cough or bronchitis
3. Laryngitis
4. Ear infections. Not all ear infections need AB.
5. Sinusitis. In general, do not require AB.
The use of AB is not in place and will not excess
beneficial, detrimental and even dangerous.

When do We need AB?
Below are some types of bacterial infections that commonly occur and
AB therapy requires:
1. Urinary tract infections
2. Some middle ear infections called otitis media or
3. Severe sinusitis (lasting more than weeks, headache,
swelling of the face)
4. Sore throat because of streptococcal bacteria infection (usually
attacking children aged 7 years or more, while in children aged 4 years
15% who have strep throat because this germ)

How do I know this is bacterial infection?
To find out if there is a bacterial infection usually by performing culture
which takes several days for observation. For example, if suspected
urinary tract infection, lab. take a urine sample and then
cultured, after a few days will be found out if there is a bacterial infection following

AB Negative Effects
Below are the side effects experienced by users when consumed AB;
1. Gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, heartburn) is the effect
The most frequent side.
2. Allergic reaction. Ranging from mild such as rash, itching to the
such severe swelling of lips / eyelids, trouble breathing, etc..
3. Fever (drug fever). AB which can cause fever Bactrim, septrim,
sefalsporoin & erythromycin.
4. Blood disorders. Some AB can disrupt the bone marrow, one
only chloramphenicol.
Health Info March 28, 2007 11
5. Liver abnormalities. AB The most frequent cause of these effects are of TB drugs
like INH, rifampin and PZA (pyrazinamide).
6. Impaired renal function. AB Group that could cause this effect is
aminoglycoside (garamycine, gentamycin intravenously), imipenem / Meropenem and
Ciprofloxacin group. For patients with kidney disease, should hati2 consume AB.
AB The use of inappropriate and excessive (irrational) can also
raises a broader negative effect (long term), that is against us and
environment, for example:
1. Irrational use can also kill germs are good and useful
exist within our bodies. So the place originally occupied by bacteria
This well will be filled by the bad bacteria or by fungus. This condition is also called
as "superinfection".
2. Giving excessive AB is not going to cause bakteri2
killed bacteria mutate and become a resistance to AB,
called SUPERBUGS. So the type of bacteria which initially can be treated
easily with a mild AB, when used with ABnya
irrational, then the bacteria mutate and become resistant, so that
require a more powerful type AB. Imagine if these bacteria spread
into the environment. Eventually, if the irrational use of this AB
continues, then one day it will create conditions where there are no more species
AB which can kill bacteria that are constantly mutating. This will
make us go back to the days before the AB was found, where infection
caused by this bacterium can not be treated so that the death rate will
shot up dramatically.
Note: The more often consume AB, the more often we are ill. The less you
AB consume, the less frequent you get sick.

AB Inappropriate Use
Berjuta2 written prescription that includes the AB for viral infections, whereas we
all know AB is useless to fight the virus. There are 3 reasons why
apparopriate use of AB is the case, namely:
1. Diagnostic uncertainty.
2. Time pressure.
3. Patient Demand. "People do not Want to miss work or have a sick child Theys WHO
kept the family up all night and they're willing to try anything That Might Work ". It's
Easier for the physician to give AB Than to Explain why it Might be better not to
use it.
True, we too often as the patient also plays a role in the AB irrational use
this. Already established in the patient's perception of Indonesia, where we
assume that if you come home from the doctor's visit should take
prescription. Will actually funny if we did not come home with a prescription. This
would encourage physicians to prescribe AB when not needed.
Should this attitude little by little we lose.

1. Change the attitude during his visit to the doctor by asking: What
cause illness? not what the medicine.
2. Do a little ask doctors to prescribe AB. Do not
AB consuming for viral infections like flu / colds, cough or sore
If you feel uncomfortable due to infection tsb. asked the doctor how
relieve symptoms but not with AB.
3. Disinfectants do not use at home, just with water and soap.
Only required when the house is sick with low immune
(Post-transplant, children with chronic illness, long-term steroid use,
Battle of the Bugs: Fighting Resistance AB
The problem of bacteria resistant to AB (AB resistance) has become
global problem and has been since the last few decades the medical world
AB launched a war against this resistance.
There are clues that can be done for about the rational use of AB,
1. Reduce the use of AB, do not use the AB for viral infections.
2. AB benar2 Use only when needed and start with AB
or narrow-spectrum light.
3. For mild infections (respiratory infections, ear or sinus) that
AB is necessary, use the AB that works against gram (+).
Health Info March 28, 2007 13
4. For severe bacterial infection (infection under diafrgma, such as infection
kidney / urinary tract, appendicitis, typhoid, prneumonia, bacterial meningitis) select AB
that also kills germs gram (+).
5. Avoid the use of more than one AB, except tuberculosis or serious infections at home
6. Avoid use of ointments AB, except for eye infections.
When you get AB therapy, pertanyakanlah hal2 follows:
1. Why do I need AB?
2. What does AB?
3. What side effects?
4. What can be done to prevent the occurrence of side effects?
5. Does AB have to be taken at specific times, eg before or
after dinner?
6. What if AB is eaten along with other medications?
7. Tell also if you have an allergy to a drug or food,

Final Message
As a responsible health care consumers, we should also
active role by digging and learn the basic knowledge of science
health. That way we will become a smart health consumer
and critical. So, hopefully this article can add a basic knowledge of science
the health of the reader.
This paper is made not to oppose the use of AB. Instead we must
know how to use correct and appropriate AB because it AB
the irrational will cause AB to be impotent or lose
benefits. Antibiotics save lives, Also We therefore have to save Antibiotics.
wrote Dr. Purnamawati Sp A, a pediatrician and caregiver mailing list


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