Thursday, July 7, 2011

Found, How To Save Mobile and Laptop Batteries

Mobile phones and laptops can work longer by making changes in WiFi technology.

A student of Duke University, North Carolina, USA under the
guidance of assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering managed to find a system that is able to multiply the battery on mobile devices.

According to Justin Manweiler, students, a system called SleepWell enabled mobile phones and laptops to work longer by making changes in WiFi technology.

Manweiler said the gadget's energy quickly depleted if no other WiFi enabled devices in the vicinity. In certain cases, each device must be 'maintained' before he started the download of information desired.

For example, Manweiler said, when you download a movie in urban areas, the battery will be depleted much faster than if you download the same movie in a quiet farming area.

Software developed by Manweiler solve this problem by enabling mobile devices came into the position of 'sleep' when the device around him are still downloading via WiFi. This device not only saves energy, but also other devices that were there.

"Cities face the rush hour and workers come and go at about the same time," said Manweiler, quoted from MedIndia, July 7, 2011. "If working hours more flexible, firms can alter the working hours and reduce overcrowding in peak hours. With reduced density, will be more free time even though the number of hours worked remained the same, "he said.

Similarly, the word Manweiler, also occurs in the mobile device attempting to access the Internet at the same time. "SleepWell WiFi enabled devices to shift their activity cycle, minimizing the overlap with others, and ultimately result in energy savings without reduction in performance that feels," he said.

SleepWell system developed Manweiler presented in the arena Conference on moblie Systems, Applications and Services that was held by the Association for Computing Machinery in Washington DC

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Ciuman Hangat Sesuai Zodiak

Bagaimana gaya berciuman Anda dan pasangan, cenderung lama atau penuh gairah? Pemilik zodiak Leo, Sagitarius dan Aries memiliki gaya berciuman sedikit lebih agresif. Mereka senang menikmati saat-saat bercumbu dengan sangat cepat.

Sementara, Taurus, Virgo dan Capricorn, senang dengan gaya berciuman yang lama. Dengan menilik zodiak, bisa membantu Anda mengetahui gaya bercumbu pasangan.

Berikut gaya berciuman berdasarkan zodiak, seperti yang dikutip dari laman Idiva.

- Aries

Ciuman Anda dipenuhi dengan nafsu dan gairah, sangat cepat.

- Leo
Anda menikmati gaya berciuman yang liar serta tak terbatas. Termasuk memberi gigitan untuk pasangan.

- Sagitarius

Anda suka kejutan dengan ciuman spontan dan selalu meninggalkan kesan menggoda. Tentunya agar si dia merasa ingin lagi dan lagi.

- Taurus

Ciuman Anda lembut dan tulus, seperti ingin bisa berlama-lama selamanya dengan si dia.

- Virgo
Ciuman yang sensual dan sepenuh hati. Tapi sangat rapi dan halus.

- Capricorn
Bercumbu membuat Anda santai dan mampu mengusir stres. Sangat suka memberikan ciuman yang panjang, Anda ingin pasangan merasakan hal romantis yang sama.

- Gemini

Anda bisa tertawa karena ciuman atau berhenti untuk tersenyum. Bahkan, sambil membuat lelucon yang cerdas.

- Libra

Anda sangat menyukai ciuman. Tetapi dapat berhenti saat kekhawatiran di pikiran muncul. Cobalah untuk fokus.

- Aquarius

Ciuman Anda dapat 'berantakan', basah dan mungkin mata Anda tetap terbuka.

- Cancer

Hangat dan lembut, Anda tidak ingin melepaskan ciuman.

- Scorpio
Anda suka berciuman, tetapi gairah membuat Anda cenderung bergegas untuk melakukan aktivitas yang lebih intim.

- Pisces
Mengharapkan bisa melihat adegan ciuman melalui bayangan mata. Penuh gairah dan tahan lama, merupakan gaya berciuman khas kaum pisces.

Sekarang Anda tahu bagaimana gaya Anda dan pasangan bercumbu. Jangan ragu untuk mencoba beberapa gaya baru, dan rasakan sensasinya!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Efek Ciuman Sebelum Tidur

Jangan lupa untuk selalu memberikan ciuman mesra pada pasangan sebelum tidur.

Ingin tidur lebih nyenyak dan perasaan Anda lebih baik keesokan harinya? Berciumanlah. Itu karena berciuman sebelum tidur berdampak menenangkan bagi Anda dan pasangan.

Hal ini dibuktikan oleh penelitian yang dipublikasi dalam The Journal Personal Relationships. Menurut penelitian, konflik yang belum terselesaikan dapat menyebabkan kualitas tidur menurun dan membuat mood menjadi buruk keesokan harinya.

Peneliti mengukur perubahan fisik dan emosional jangka pendek pada pasangan yang adu argumen. Setelah menganalisis 39 responden yang tinggal dengan pasangannya, peneliti menemukan bahwa konflik di siang hari memengaruhi waktu tidur di malam hari. Jadi, tidak mengherankan, saat bangun keesokan harinya, Anda merasa pikiran tidak fokus dan mood berantakan.

Tidur dan suasana hati berhubungan dengan tingkat gangguan atau kecemasan keintiman dalam hubungan. Mereka yang memiliki ikatan emosional yang kuat dengan pasangan mengalami efek samping yang lebih negatif.

Dengan kata lain, pasangan yang memiliki hubungan lebih dekat dan kuat, kualitas tidur dan suasana hati bisa menjadi sangat buruk setelah bertengkar.

"Kami menemukan bagaimana hubungan interpersonal sehari-hari memengaruhi suasana hati dan fisiologi dari waktu ke waktu," kata Profesor Angela Hicks, salah satu peneliti seperti dikutip dari Science Daily.

Dari penelitian juga diketahui kalau orang-orang yang merasa 'tidak aman' dalam hubungan, lebih rentan terhadap risiko kesehatan jangka panjang. Hicks menyarankan untuk sebisa mungkin menyelesaikan konflik dengan pasangan sebelum tidur.

Menurut Hicks, meskipun Anda masih kesal atau marah, cobalah untuk tetap berikan ciuman hangat pada pasangan. Hal ini agar tidur dengan nyenyak, perasaan Anda pun lebih baik keesokan harinya. Sehingga, pikiran lebih tenang saat menyelesaikan masalah.

Trik Terhindar Dari Rasa Bosan dalam Hubungan

Rasa bosan kerap mampir dalam suatu hubungan pernikahan. Hal ini wajar terjadi. Bahkan, dalam beberapa siklus kehidupan, pasangan akan mengalaminya.

Jika Anda tengah merasakan kebosanan dalam hubungan, Anda tak sendirian. Sebuah survei terhadap 3.341 orang dalam hubungan monogami terdiri dari 1.418 pria dan 1.923 wanita menemukan, seperempat dari responden mengalami rasa bosan dalam hubungan mereka saat ini.

Sebanyak 25% lainnya dilaporkan berada di ambang kebosanan. Dan 50% dari responden yang disurvei semua mengaku telah mengalami kebosanan.

Dan hasil survei Good in Bed and Kristen Mark dari Universitas Indiana dan Kinsey Institut menemukan kesimpulan bahwa ancaman terbesar bagi hubungan adalah kebosanan.

"Kebosanan pada dasarnya seperti serangan pada sistem kekebalan hubungan, bisa melemahkan. Dan masalah itu, rentan menimbulkan penyakit,” jelas Ian Kerner, PhD, pakar seks dan pakar hubungan terkenal, serta pendiri Good in Bed.

"Ini bukan suatu kebetulan bahwa seperlima dari responden mengaku tidak setia pada pasangan mereka karena rasa bosan."

Beberapa faktor menjadi tonggak munculnya kebosanan. Berikut beberapa penyebab kebosanan yang dikutip dalam penelitian ini:

• Kehamilan (8%)
• Pernikahan (13,8%)
• Pindah bersama (15,6%)
• Memiliki anak (32,2%)
• Mengalami penuaan (38,5%)

Namun, sebelum Anda kehilangan semua harapan atau hubungan Anda di masa depan, perlu diingat bahwa studi seperti ini memiliki keterbatasan.

Namun, efek dari rasa bosan bisa memicu terjadinya perselingkuhan dan mematikan hubungan. Jika hubungan Anda berada di ambang kebosanan, itu bukan berarti Anda tidak dapat menghidupkan kembali hubungan Anda dengan pasangan.

Berikut beberapa tips untuk mengatasi kebosanan dan kembali membangkitkan gairah hubungan Anda dengan pasangan:

1) Lakukan hal yang menyenangkan bersama pasangan

Semakin cepat Anda menyadari hal ini, akan lebih baik dan lebih mudah diatasi. Ingat, apa yang pernah Anda dan pasangan lakukan saat memulai hidup bahagia bersama.

Itulah mengapa Anda dan pasangan Anda harus terus melakukan sesuatu bersama yang akan membangkitkan semangat baik secara fisik dan mental. Berkencan berdua seperti saat masa pacaran menjadi hal yang menyenangkan. Tinggalkan anak-anak bersama pengasuh atau di rumah nenek.

Lakukan sesuatu yang sama sekali baru. Beberapa ide yang bisa dilakukan mungkin mencicipi anggur, panjat tebing, sky diving, pelajaran menari, membuat sushi bersama, atau buat kenangan baru yang belum pernah dilakukan dan tidak akan terlupakan.

2) Mencari hal menantang di tempat tidur
Lakukan hal yang mengejutkan pasangan saat Anda berada di ranjang bersamanya. Jika Anda bosan dengan gaya yang itu-itu saja, coba beri dia sentuhan menggairahkan.

Bisa menggunakan alat bantu mainan seks, atau melakukan gaya baru dengan memamerkan lingeri seksi yang bisa menggetarkan emosi dan fantasi seksualnya. Selalu ada sesuatu yang baru untuk mencoba, percayalah. Menemukan kembali gairah di kamar tidur dapat memberikan keajaiban bagi semua aspek hubungan Anda.

3) Bicara dari hati ke hati
Komunikasi adalah kunci dari kelanggengan hubungan suami istri. Jika Anda merasa bosan, khawatir, atau tidak bahagia, maka ekspresikan perasaan Anda dengan pasangan Anda. Ini bisa menjadi awal hidup yang bahagia, dan bisa menjadi obat ampuh mengusir kebosanan.

Empat Karakter Si Penggoda

Cara menggoda mengungkap karakter, dan memengaruhi hubungan yang terjalin.

Menggoda tak hanya sekedar membuat lawan jenis tertarik. Gaya dan cara menggoda seseorang terbentuk bersama kepribadian. Studi menunjukkan, selain memperlihatkan karakter, godaan juga memengaruhi hubungan yang terjalin nantinya.

Psikolog Universitas Kansas melakukan studi terhadap ribuan orang yang mencari tahu gaya menggoda dan sejarah kencan mereka.

Dr Jeffrey Hall akhirnya mengidentifikasi empat gaya utama menggoda dan jenis hubungan seseorang. Dia tak menemukan perbedaan antara gaya menggoda pria dan wanita.

Menggoda secara fisik
Para pelakunya tidak takut mengekspresikan minat seksual kepada target mereka. Umumnya para penggoda jenis ini akan dapat melakukan hubungan intim dengan cepat dan memiliki banyak hubungan emosional.

Dalam menggoda, mereka sering melontarkan daya tarik seksual. Para penggoda jenis ini biasanya adalah para Cassanova.

Menggoda dengan cara tradisional
Mereka berpikir prialah yang harus mengejar wanita. Biasanya, pria ini akan mengenal wanita secara pribadi sebelum mengencaninya.

Wanita yang menggoda dengan cara ini umumnya mengeluh sulit memperoleh pria yang melihat mereka secara utuh. Umumnya, gaya menggoda ini dilakukan para introvert.

Menggoda dengan sopan
Para penggoda ini biasanya menggoda dengan sangat hati-hati, cenderung lambat dan menghindari hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan seks. Meskipun lambat, saat masuk dalam hubungan, ia akan setia di dalamnya.

Menggoda dengan tulus
Mereka ingin sang target mengetahui bahwa mereka melakukannya dengan sepenuh hati. Bila mendekati seseorang, mereka memiliki perasaan tulus dan ingin membuat koneksi emosional.

Gaya ini sedikit lebih disukai wanita ketimbang pria. Hubungan yang dibangun dari 'godaan' tulus dirasakan lebih bermakna dan romantis.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Know the Meaning of Dreams Sensual Five

Dreams have sexual intercourse not only occur in men. Women also often experience it. Sometimes, when waking you will feel confused because the dream felt so real.

Dreams can be a manifestation of the subconscious mind. A dream to have sex does not mean anything if it only happens once. However, it will have meaning if often happens to you.

Here are five dreams meaning 'heat' that often occurs in Wanit, as quoted from

1. Sex with a partner
If you dream of having sex with a partner, can mean two contradictory things. "Whether your relationship is really stable, or you do not get satisfaction from your partner," said Dr..
Ketan Parmar, a sexologist.

Maybe you can do an evaluation of the relationship with her husband. If you get yourself not satisfied with their sex lives with a partner, talk to get the best solution.

2. Sex with ex-lover
You may never compare couples with a former lover. However, that does not mean it does not happen in your subconscious.

"Maybe you feel the loss of a great romance with her or even losing the figure of a former lover," says Dr. Anand Tiwari, a sexologist.

3. Sex with celebrities
According to Drs. Parmar, this happens because you want something more on the couple. This excess turns out there on your favorite celebrities.

"Obviously, you compare the physical or the success of your favorite celebrities with the quality that you see on the couple," says Dr. Parmar.

4. Having sex with other women
If you believe you are a normal woman who still loves a man, this dream is just an aberration. However, if the dream is recurring, there is a possibility that you are attracted to the same sex in real life.

"It could also mean that you are looking for a partner who is more caring and gentle with you," said Dr.. Parmar.

5. Affair
This dream will probably bother you. Usually, this happens when you decide a big step in your relationship, like marriage.

The dream could mean that you are anxious and worried about the major changes that will occur. Dreams can also mean that you do not get enough time to spend with your partner. Or, you need a tighter emotional bond with him.

8 Benefits of Sex for Health

Many people think sweat can only be done with exercise. Session intimate relationship with a partner as well as beneficial exercise.

Just as exercise, sexual activity burns calories and body fat. Same sex relationship is useful by doing aerobics and cardiovascular movements.

"Having sex is a form of exercise. Sex will make you feel healthier and look better, "says author of 'The Better Sex Guide to Extraordinary Love Making', Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, as quoted from Shine.

Dr. Gloria G. Bramer, a clinical sexologist based in Georgia also said that having intimate relations activities will tighten the muscles of the body, especially when you try a new position, and make the body stay flexible.

Here are some of the benefits of sex for health and fitness:

Preventing prostate cancer in men
Bramer said, sex does not just support the physical closeness between husband and wife. Husbands often feel the pleasure of orgasm with a partner proven to reduce prostate cancer risk and improve their immune system.

Improve heart health
Want to feel seen fit inside and outside? Having sex will improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce stress, and stimulates increased feelings of happiness naturally. Another positive thing, the pelvic muscles will be even louder.

Having sex involves the whole body
Exercise would involve the entire body. Similarly, when you have sex. "The whole body moves come," said Fulbright. "The brain you feel more relaxed, calm and relieve stress."

Sex facilitate the flow of blood
"The circulation of oxygen in the brain running smoothly. This in turn also affects the reproductive organs and your heart, make them healthier, stronger, and improve functionality, 'he said.
Making love makes the body more flexible
"Sex is also lower testosterone, so the muscles working and keep you limber. Basically having sex such as combining the benefits of walking and yoga into one activity," says Fulbright.

Eliminating cellulite
Sex can help ward off the onset of cellulite on legs and thighs. Although not able to eliminate completely, intercourse regularly able to disguise the appearance of existing cellulite. Because sex can release the body fat.
Sex couples improve relationships
As physical activity is most often done by married couples, sex would bring a partner. This means more and more frequent sex with a partner, coordination or communication that exists between you and your husband would be better.

Energy generation
Exercise can increase energy and stamina. Similarly, if the more you have sex, the more you feel the increased energy and stamina. Not just in the bedroom, sex is routine can also improve your morale.

Lip Shape Influence Female Orgasm

Lips is not just the face that makes a woman look sensual or sexy. Lip shape also affects the ability of women to reach orgasm during lovemaking.

Stuart Brody, professor of psychology at the University of West Scotland, claimed the woman's ability to reach orgasm can be seen only from the form of lips.

Brody concludes the study, women who have a protruding upper lip on the tubercle easier to achieve vaginal orgasm. Prominent tubercle is a small part which is right at the bottom of the nose and the shape of the letter V. This section is referred to as the best indicator of sexual satisfaction.

Although the full lips owner called to have sexual prowess, thin lips owners not to worry. Because, of concern is a small bulge on the upper lip, not the overall form of the lips.

Brody collect online data from 258 women, the majority of Scottish, average age 27 years. Respondents who have the most prominent tubercle admitted more frequently to obtain an orgasm than those who do not.

Studies Professor Brody is controversial. In another study, Brody also found an energetic woman and a toned pelvic floor muscles when walking more likely to achieve orgasm compared with women who look 'slack' when walking.

Friday, July 1, 2011

12 Important Discovery About Sex

A number of studies on sex has presented facts that horrendous throughout 2010. Among them about the benefits of making love, the facts behind the orgasm in women up to the importance of avoiding premarital sex.

1. Avoid premarital sex households make happy
Research proves this is contained in The Social Science Research Journal. Of the 648 people surveyed, 56 percent of whom are happier because they do not have sex with their partner until the wedding day.

2. Only 22 percent of couples who are very satisfied with sex life
Yourtango survey conducted showed 66 percent of married couples (couples) only had sex 1 time a week, while 63 percent of the husbands want to do it more often. Overall, only 22 percent of husbands and wives who are very satisfied with his sex life.

3. Men do not know the signs of female orgasm
Large-scale survey conducted The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior

4. Make good career passionate sex more
Busy work does not mean not even think about sex life. Surveys at the University of Wisconsin proved a more regular couples having sex actually comes from a group that has a good career.

5. Frequent sex can improve brain memory
A study at Princeton reveals the frequency of sex is directly proportional to the growth of hippocampal nerve, the brain is central to memory. Presumably this effect could delay when entering the senile elderly.

6. 50 percent of married women judge her husband is not the best sex partner
IVillage survey conducted not only reveals how premarital sex has become very commonplace. Moreover, 50 percent of women claimed to be more satisfied having sex with a previous sex partners before marriage.

7. Like having an affair is the effect of genes
Dopamine receptor gene called DRD4 was found this year and is believed to cause some men tend to like cheating. This gene gives the sensation of pleasure which also appears when gambling and taking drugs.

8. Have a sister make a man not sexy
Research at the University of Texas proved that man has a lot of sisters are less attractive to potential partners. Not known exactly why, but suspected the man tends to be spoiled when too long in between my brothers and sisters, when he spoiled less attractive to women.

9. Sensitivity of the fingertips showed a woman's ability to orgasm
Journal of Sexual Medicine reveals a woman who is responsive when touching hot objects or other forms of painful stimuli tend to be easier to reach orgasm. So if you want to know easily whether or not a woman reaches orgasm, just touch her fingertips. Do another!

10. More good fat man in love
A study in Turkey showed a waist size in men with hormone levels directly proportional oestradial. Hormones that more women have this function to delay orgasm, so it could last longer during sex compared with men with a smaller waist circumference.

11. 25 percent of women choose thinner than an orgasm
Orgasm seems not everything for some women, even more attractive than a slim waist sexy nan. UK study showed 25 percent of women prefer skinny even though the risk is sickly and difficult to have an orgasm.

12. Female brain can not feel pain during orgasm
Orgasm in women involves a very complicated process in the brain, to the extent that the brain can not feel pain during their stay in the climax. Researchers at Rutgers University in New Jersey revealed that female orgasm during recording process with magnetic resonance imaging revealed 85 percent of men think their partners reach orgasm in intercourse last performed. In fact only 64 percent of women who claimed to actually orgasm.

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