Thursday, November 11, 2010

Coitus interruptus Not Effective family planning method?

Many couples who want family planning or preventing pregnancy, but are reluctant to use contraceptives. But they are also reluctant to implement family planning calendar. The options are eventually dropped coitus interruptus method (pull out the penis before ejaculation). The consideration, the husband and wife can have intercourse at any time (after all, one can not determine when to or when baseball related mood right?), But not potentially cause pregnancy.

However, this method was never advised by doctors. For men, this method requires vigilance will be the arrival of orgasm, and the ability to withdraw the penis right time. The problem, praejakulasi fluid, or pre-cum, it already contains a small amount of sperm that is able to swim to the uterus.

Therefore CI technique is not considered a contraceptive method by practitioners. However, applying this technique is still better than not using contraceptives at all. For the women, coitus interruptus will become the last refuge when forget taking birth control pills, or condoms are not available during intercourse. Many are women who make the technique of "pull" it as a back-up from other methods. It is estimated that, at least one third (of the active population of women who had sexual intercourse) using this technique for family planning.

The researchers themselves difficult to estimate how many couples who apply this method, because if not asked directly, she will not report it. This will cause the difficulty of assessing its effectiveness. Nevertheless, researchers should begin to consider this technique as a method of family planning beyond. Why?

Basically, this technique is quite effective. When compared with the use of condoms, both are very effective when applied properly (about 4% compared to 2%), although less comfortable practiced (about 18% vs 17%). Now, your stay must make a choice. Do not forget, condom not only protects you from pregnancy but also sexually transmitted diseases.

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