Friday, February 11, 2011

8 Must Know The Dangers of Smoking

Smoking is harmful for almost all organs of the body, causing many diseases and affect the health of smokers in general. When you stop smoking, the benefits you can feel directly and long term, for you and those you love.

The amount of the dangers of smoking is not actually not realized by the smokers, because on every pack of cigarettes now compulsory from the government there is a warning which reads: "SMOKING CAN CAUSE CANCER, heart attacks, impotence, AND INTERFERENCE PREGNANCY AND FETUS." However, often the strong dependence on cigarettes make people not want to stop sucking it, until it was too late: when you are sentenced to suffer one of these diseases.


* Smoking causes around 90% of lung cancer deaths in men and 80% in women. Risk of death from lung cancer 23 times higher in male smokers and 13 times higher in women smokers than in non-smokers. Research indicating that non-smokers who lived with a smoker have a 24% higher risk for lung cancer than non-smokers in general.
* Smoking also causes bladder cancer, oral cavity, pharynx, vocal cords, esopagus, cervix, kidney, pancreas and stomach.

Heart and Blood Vessel Diseases

* Smoking causes coronary heart disease is one cause of death in Indonesia. Smokers have 2-4 times higher chance of developing coronary heart disease than non-smokers.
* Smokers have twice the risk of stroke is greater
* Smoking reduces blood circulation due to narrowing of the arteries. Therefore, smokers are 10 times more likely affected by vascular disease, including erectile dysfunction / impotence.
* Smoking causes abdominal aortic anurisma (local dilation of blood vessels in the abdominal aorta). Risk of death from disease among smokers is higher when the blood vessels ruptured (broken).

Respiratory Disorders

* Smoking increases the risk of death from chronic lung disease up to tenfold. About 90% of deaths due to chronic lung disease caused by smoking.

Fetal Disorders

* Smoking adverse effects on reproductive health and the fetus in the womb, including infertility (sterility), miscarriage, fetal death, infants born weighing less weight, and sudden infant death syndrome.

Cigarettes How to Ruin the Body?

* Nicotine reaches the brain within 10 seconds after cigarette smoked, and then spread to all parts of the body through blood circulation, including the mother's milk.
* Carbon monoxide from cigarette smoke binds hemoglobin in red blood cells, reducing its function in distributing the oxygen in full.
* The elements of causing cancer (carcinogens) in tobacco damage important genes that control cell growth, so that cells grow abnormally or terlau growing rapidly.
* Elements of carcinogens called benzopiren binding cells in the respiratory tract and other vital organs of smoker that cause cancer.

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