Saturday, July 2, 2011

8 Benefits of Sex for Health

Many people think sweat can only be done with exercise. Session intimate relationship with a partner as well as beneficial exercise.

Just as exercise, sexual activity burns calories and body fat. Same sex relationship is useful by doing aerobics and cardiovascular movements.

"Having sex is a form of exercise. Sex will make you feel healthier and look better, "says author of 'The Better Sex Guide to Extraordinary Love Making', Dr. Yvonne Fulbright, as quoted from Shine.

Dr. Gloria G. Bramer, a clinical sexologist based in Georgia also said that having intimate relations activities will tighten the muscles of the body, especially when you try a new position, and make the body stay flexible.

Here are some of the benefits of sex for health and fitness:

Preventing prostate cancer in men
Bramer said, sex does not just support the physical closeness between husband and wife. Husbands often feel the pleasure of orgasm with a partner proven to reduce prostate cancer risk and improve their immune system.

Improve heart health
Want to feel seen fit inside and outside? Having sex will improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce stress, and stimulates increased feelings of happiness naturally. Another positive thing, the pelvic muscles will be even louder.

Having sex involves the whole body
Exercise would involve the entire body. Similarly, when you have sex. "The whole body moves come," said Fulbright. "The brain you feel more relaxed, calm and relieve stress."

Sex facilitate the flow of blood
"The circulation of oxygen in the brain running smoothly. This in turn also affects the reproductive organs and your heart, make them healthier, stronger, and improve functionality, 'he said.
Making love makes the body more flexible
"Sex is also lower testosterone, so the muscles working and keep you limber. Basically having sex such as combining the benefits of walking and yoga into one activity," says Fulbright.

Eliminating cellulite
Sex can help ward off the onset of cellulite on legs and thighs. Although not able to eliminate completely, intercourse regularly able to disguise the appearance of existing cellulite. Because sex can release the body fat.
Sex couples improve relationships
As physical activity is most often done by married couples, sex would bring a partner. This means more and more frequent sex with a partner, coordination or communication that exists between you and your husband would be better.

Energy generation
Exercise can increase energy and stamina. Similarly, if the more you have sex, the more you feel the increased energy and stamina. Not just in the bedroom, sex is routine can also improve your morale.

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