Tuesday, February 8, 2011

4 Ways Replacing Missing Teeth

Many people suffer from tooth loss, caused by dental problems, injury accidents, or teeth do not grow. Statistics show that 70% of adults aged 35-44 years had lost at least one permanent tooth. One in four adults over 74 years had lost all their teeth.

Tooth loss is often a source of embarrassment and cause various problems such as difficulty chewing, difficulty speaking, and tooth decay due to shifting of adjacent teeth. Fortunately, the various solutions now available to replace missing teeth. Here are 4 options available: The Face of Polandphoto © 2009 Andy Bullock | more info (via: Wylio)

1. Complete dentures

When all teeth are missing, the solution is complete dentures are usually made of acrylic. Complete dentures can be "direct" or "conventional". Direct Dentures can be directly installed without having to adjust to the pattern of jaw as well as users of conventional dentures. Advantages, patients can immediately have teeth. However, bones and gums can shrink over time, especially during periods of healing after tooth extraction. Therefore, immediate dentures are generally only a temporary solution until conventional dentures can be made.

2. Partial Dentures

This solution is used when only several teeth are missing. Partial dentures consist of replacement teeth attached to a plastic base color of the gums, which are connected by metal framework to hold dentures in place. Denture is retained by the original teeth adjacent to the clasp or crocheted precision (flops hidden) on the crown of the tooth.

3. Dental bridge

Unlike partial dentures, dental bridges are false teeth that are permanently stationed. This method is more expensive but popular to replace a missing tooth. The procedure involves the dentist to scrape the crowns of adjacent teeth and take the pattern mold. A bridge-based porcelain and gold and then printed. The bridge was then installed in the gap and the surrounding teeth. The result is a very natural feeling. With natural colors like natural teeth, dental bridge is an ideal choice for people interested in dental restorations are not detected.

4. Dental Implants

When teeth are missing more than one or dentist worried regular dental bridge is not strong enough to withstand the pressure of time chewing, dental implants are used. This method involves placing a small titanium rod into the jawbone. Stem functions the same as the root of the tooth. When the implant is inserted in the jawbone, dental crowns can be attached to it. The result is a very natural feeling and no effect on the surrounding teeth. However, this method requires two stages and takes a long time, about eight or nine months of treatment needed to install the implant in place. It's also a fairly complex procedure requiring minor oral surgery. As a result, the cost is more expensive.

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