Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Jl. Tenggilis Mejoyo W-24
T : 031-2981000
HP: 081330245751
27 February 2007

Iwan Zuhriyanto
Human Resources Manager
PT Bagi Bagi Duit (B2D)
Surabaya Barat

Dear Mr Zuhriyanto

I wish to apply for the position of Accounting Staff that was advertised in
Buletin Info Kerja on 21 February 2007.

I have over one year experience as an Accounting with PT. Gulung Tikar
and have experience of a wide variety of pattern techniques. My computer
skills are very good, and I have an excellent record as a reliable, productive

I am looking for new challenges and the posistion of Accounting Staff
sounds the perfect opportunity. Your organisation has an enviable record
innovation in investor financial cosultant, and an excellent reputation as an
employer, making the position even more attractive.

I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you
soon. I am available for interview at your convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Challenge


Jl. Tenggilis Mejoyo W-24
T : 031-2981000
HP: 081330245751
Surabaya, 27 February 2007

Yth. HRD Manajer
PT Bagi Bagi Duit (B2D)
Surabaya Barat

Sehubungan dengan informasi dari Buletin Info Kerja Edisi
No.1/1/Jan/2007yang diterbitkan oleh Career Assistance Center (CAC) (note:
bukan JPCC lagi ! ) Universitas Surabaya, maka saya, Nick Challenge, 24 thn,
tertarik untuk melamar pekerjaan sebagai Internal Audit Officer di
perusahaan yang Bapak/Ibu pimpin.
Saya lulus dari Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Manajemen Keuangan
Universitas Surabaya tahun 2004. Meskipun belum memiliki pengalaman
bekerja, tetapi saya yakin dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan kerja
dan mampu menyelesaikan tugas-tugas administratif secara cermat dan teliti.
Selain menguasai 2 bahasa asing yaitu bahasa Inggris dan bahasa Mandarin,
saya mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Windows) serta mengetik cepat.
Saya merasa kualifikasi pekerjaan ini cocok dengan saya, sejak kuliah
untuk mengisi jeda kuliah saya bergabung dengan kegiatan organisasi. Saya
biasa bekerja dengan kelompok dan sekali waktu mengkoordinir kegiatan
Bersama ini saya sertakan Daftar Riwayat Hidup dan bila dibutuhkan
informasi lebih lanjut, saya bersedia dipanggil untuk wawancara maupun
melakukan tes. Atas perhatian dan kesempatan yang Bapak/Ibu berikan saya
ucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat saya,



Jl. Tenggilis Mejoyo W-24
T : 031-2981000
HP: 081330245751
Surabaya, 27 Februari 2007

Yth. Manajer HRD
PT Bagi Bagi Duit (B2D)
Surabaya Barat

Dengan hormat,
Sehubungan adanya informasi lowongan kerja pada Situs
http// pada tanggal 26 Februari 2007, yang dimoderatori
oleh CAC Universitas Surabaya (note: bukan JPCC lagi ! ), bersama ini saya
bermaksud melamar pekerjaan di perusahaan Bapak/Ibu sebagai
Information Technology Officer (ITO).
Sebagai informasi, saat ini saya sudah lulus program S1 Jurusan
Informatika Fakultas Teknik Universitas Surabaya dan sedang menunggu
wisuda. Kelebihan yang saya miliki adalah menguasai bahasa Inggris baik
lisan maupun tulisan serta berbagai program komputer sebagaimana
kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan.
Besar harapan saya atas terkabulnya permohonan ini dan saya siap
menerima panggilan testing/wawancara apabila diperlukan.
Atas perhatian serta kesempatan yang Bapak/Ibu berikan, saya ucapkan
terima kasih.

Hormat saya,

Nick Challenge

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Unique Fact: Farming and Farming

As a nation that (supposedly) an agricultural, Indonesia would have been blessed by God's fertile soil and tropical conditions are very supportive to grow crops and raise livestock. This fertile land that should certainly be a valuable national asset and it should be utilized as much as possible for the prosperity of the nation.

But the present is our nation continue to import rice from Vietnam are not much bigger than Indonesia, the canal continues to hit the bird flu outbreak that is not thoroughly well-finished, until the problem of funding the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries should be ut
ilized by the fishermen in difficulty solar . But yes please, maybe we better try to see the facts and unique information about farming and animal husbandry are the following:

1. Scientists involved in the study of animal behavior, stating that pigs, unlike other human pets, has a unique ability to think. Pigs can solve a problem by thinking about it constantly, not to mind a casual glance. From the results of the study also found that, what can be done by the dog, it can be done by the pigs, and usually in a shorter time. Even pig olfactory instincts are better than dogs. But the drawback is the live pig pug takes objects kissed. So, still a better dog.

2. During the period of apartheid rule in South Africa, workers in the wine never paid her the money but paid with alcohol. As a result of vineyards so it is not taken care of and when the harvest many workers who were excluded because of crowded every day to get high alcohol and lots of rotted grapes. This policy ended after apartheid was abolished, the results are south african wines are now starting to count as a rival to European wines.

3. Potato was first reached Europe in the 1500s simultaneously with the arriv
al of Spanish ships from Peru. However, when imported, the potato was slow accepted the European community. Potatoes eaten forbidden in Burgundy because it is considered as the source of leprosy. Elsewhere potatoes get a bad name because it was alleged as the cause of syphilis. Until the 1720's, in America there is still a belief that the potato can shorten their life who consume them. Only after American independence, the potato is more acceptable, and has now become one of the staple diet of Americans. Then go to Indonesia, the potatoes were transformed into potato cakes that delicious ...

4. In normal circumstances chicken eggs can remain fresh for one week. But during the dry season, it is difficult to save the eggs to keep them fresh. Researchers from Usavela State University found a way to overcome the problem without affecting the taste and quality. Their research shows that applying the outside of the egg with coconut oil causes the eggs stay fresh for 4 weeks. Does not decay even for 8 weeks! Hmm ... worth checking out at home, ok..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Taking Free Paid Surveys Online

Free Paid Surveys, Get Paid To Take Surveys, Take Online Surveys for CASH!

More than likely you have seen ads like these all over the internet. And like most people you are probably wondering if they are true. Can you really get paid to take surveys online? Or is paid surveys just another scam? Surprisingly, the answer is yes. You can actually get paid to take surveys online.

There are many companies that will pay you to participate in online surveys, focus groups, and even product tests. These are market research companies that are paid by large companies to find out what the public feels about their products. They want to know if their advertising camppagns are working and how everyday people feel about their products. Large corporations spend billions of dollars a year on advertising. So to pay you a few dollars to find out if their advertising is working is not that big of a deal. So they hire these market research companies. And the market research companies send out surveys to everyday people to find out what the public is thinking.

There are also several misconceptions about taking paid surveys online. Many advertisements will tell you that you can make up to $250 an hour taking paid surveys. Although it is possible to be compensated $250 for participating in an important study or focus group, the average paid survey will pay you between $2 and $20.

There are also a few different kinds of paid survey sites. There are paid survey directories, or databases, and there are the actual paid survey companies. A paid survey, or market research company, is the actual company that will send you the paid surveys. And also the one that will compensate you for your participation. An example of a paid survey company is NFO My Survey. NFO has been around for over 20 years and is one of the major paid survey companies on the internet. When joining a paid survey site like NFO you are notified by email when your participation in a paid survey is needed. You can then choose to take the paid survey or simply ignore it. You are told how much you will be paid for taking each survey and how long the paid survey should take to complete. Companies like NFO My Survey are always free to join. A legitimate paid survey company will never ask you to pay a fee to join.

Another type of site is a paid survey directory, or database. Paid survey databases provide directories of paid survey companies. These are the sites you go to to find companies that will pay you to participate in online surveys. There are several databases you can join. But most online paid survey databases are not free. A site like SurveyScout charges about $35 for their directory of 490 paid survey companies. Others charge anywhere from $20 to $60 to access their paid surveys directory. Many people are fooled into thinking that when they join these membership sites they will automatically start receiving paid surveys. A membership site like SurveyScout does not actually send paid surveys. they are only a directory of companies that you join that send paid surveys online.

Before you spend $35 dollars for a paid survey database do some looking around. A good paid survey directory will have everything you would find in a paid membership site and is absolutely free. There is no need to pay to find paid surveys. In fact, why would you want to pay for free information? Paid membership sites are simply taking advantage of the fact that most people don't know where to look for this type of information. And once they pay and then find out that they paid for a directory, most people feel like they have been scammed. My advice would be to bypass a paid directory. And use a free paid survey directory.

If you are looking for a full-time income online, paid surveys may not be the thing for you. Although you can make some good money taking paid surveys online, more than likely it will not be enough to make you rich. On the other hand, if you want to make some extra money without much effort then paid surveys is the way to go.

The key to getting paid to take surveys online is joining as many of these paid survey companies as possible. Most paid survey sites will only send a few paid surveys a month.

So the logic is, the more paid survey companies you belong to the more paid survey invitations you will receive. And the more money you will make. I'ts a good idea to start off with around 10 to 20 good paid survey companies. Each one will only take a few minutes to sign up for and is well worth it. There are around 500 paid survey companies you can join. And once you have joined the main ones you can go back and join others to receive even more paid surveys. Of 500 paid survey companies I would have to say that there are about 50 that will send you paid surveys on a regular basis. The rest may only send one a month or even less. So starting with the top paid surveys is obviously the best way to go.

You must answer a few screener questions before taking a survey to see if you fit the profile for the type of person the company is interested in. After taking a few screeners you can start to see how you should answer to make yourself qualify. for instance, most paid survey screeners will ask you if you work in a certain industry, or any type of market research or advertising business. The answer to a question like this should almost always be no. They do not want people who know the market research business taking their surveys. And you will almost always not qualify for the paid survey.

Well now that you have all the information you need it's up to you to decide if paid surveys is for you or not. If you are interested in paid surveys I highly reccommend NFO My Survey, Global Test Market, Survey Savvy, Survey Spot, E-Poll, ECN Research, Lightspeed Research, American Consumer opinion, Test Spin,GoZing surveys, Greenfield Online, and Opinion Outpost. There several more great paid survey sites. These are just my personal favorites.

Heart Attack: Are You At Risk?

If you’re male and you lead an inactive lifestyle you probably have at least 3 risk factors associated with heart disease.

I know, I know, you feel fine but so do most people before they have a heart attack. Unfortunately, most people find out they have heart disease the day they are admitted in to hospital, and they are the lucky ones!

Ladies, don’t think this is just something for men to worry about (as it has been in the past). Women, as well as men, are more likely to die of heart disease than of any type of cancer.

This is because of our modern lifestyle. We are working longer hours, so we eat fast food, and there’s no time for exercise. To make matters worse, machines are taking the ‘work’ out of work. We are less active and it’s killing us!

So what are the risk factors for heart disease?

Firstly, there are two types of risk factors: those that can be changed, and those that can’t be changed. It’s important to know that you only need to have 3 of these to be at risk. Each extra risk factor that you have increases your chance of having a heart attack substantially.

Risk factors that can’t be changed:

Heredity: You are at greater risk if your parents, grandparents, brothers, or sisters, have heart disease.

Gender: Men are at greater risk than women, though the risk for women increases after menopause.

Age: As you increase in age, so do your chances of having a heart attack. Once you reach 40 you should have regular check-ups.

Risk factors that can be changed:

Smoking: A smoker is twice as likely than a non-smoker to have a heart attack. It not only places extra strain on the heart and lungs but also makes blood cholesterol stickier, making it easier to block arteries.
High Blood Cholesterol: Cholesterol is produced naturally by the body and is essential to our health. The problem comes when we consume too much in our diet.

High Blood Pressure: Just like with high cholesterol there are no early symptoms. The first most people learn they have this is when it’s at a dangerous level.
Physical Inactivity: If you are inactive, you are more likely to have a heart attack. Even a 10 minute walk each day can make all the difference.

Obesity: If you are obese, you are placing your heart under a great deal of strain even at rest.

I might be at risk, what should I do?

If you think you could be at risk, the first thing you should do is visit your doctor. Secondly, you need to modify your lifestyle. Exercise for at least 10 minutes per day (30 minutes is better but anything is better than nothing!). You also need to eat foods that are low in fat. If you smoke you need to give up.

Even if you don’t have many risk factors it’s a good idea to visit your doctor each year. Some risk factors can change within a short period of time and getting on to them early can make all the difference.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Prevent Heart Disease

You should always keep in mind that whatever actions you do today can either help to prevent, delay or minimize the effect of heart disease or worsen it. The key is to control risk factors. Granted that you cannot control every risk factor for heart disease such as family history but you can definitely do something about your behavior. Age and gender also influence your risk of heart disease.

Major Risk Factors of Heart Disease

Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a type of a lipid, a soft, fatlike substance that serves as a source of fuel. Excessive cholesterol can cause buildup of atherosclerotic plaque. Accumulation of plaque in arteries can block blood flow and lead to a heart attack. LDL cholesterol, the so-called "bad" cholesterol, is transported to sites throughout the body, where it's used to repair cell membranes or to make hormones. LDL cholesterol can accumulate in the walls of your arteries. HDL cholesterol, the so-called "good" cholesterol, transports cholesterol to the liver, where it's altered and removed from the body.

Blood Pressure

Normal blood pressure level is defined as less than 130 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg) for systolic blood pressure and less than 85 mm Hg for diastolic blood pressure. The higher the blood pressure, the more likely it is to take a toll on the heart and on the brain. Blood pressure should be checked whether or not your levels are high. For normal, check once every two years. For high-normal, check once a year. If extremely high, you should get immediate care. Then get multiple measurements to know if a high level is sustained over time.


Another risk factor for heart disease is diabetes, a chronic disease of insulin deficiency or resistance. Type 2 diabetes, the most common type, is associated with obesity and may be prevented by maintaining ideal body weight through exercise and balanced nutrition.

Tips For Controlling Risk of Heart Disease

Stop Smoking

The effect of smoking on your lungs can cause almost every other medical condition.

Get Active

Routine physical activity is highly recommended and helpful in controlling obesity. Try to perform 30 minutes of moderate physical activity every day. Fast walking is one of the best way to prevent heart disease. If you can lose even a small amount of weight, five pounds for example, it may have a positive effect on lipid levels and blood pressure preventing heart disease.

Limit Alcohol Consumption

Limit daily alcohol intake to three ounces or fewer to prevent heart disease. People who drink large amounts of alcohol (six to eight ounces a day) tend to have higher blood pressure.

Watch What You Eat

Eat five helpings of fruits and vegetables daily to prevent heart disease.

Maintain adequate dietary potassium, calcium and magnesium intake.

Reduce saturated fats and cholesterol to stay away from heart disease.


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