Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Unique Facts: All About Plants

Can not imagine the world without plants ...? It must be really stuffy and creatures like us and the animals in the world would die because it ran out of oxygen. Yup, plants are living creatures that have very important value in the ecosystem of our earth is getting warmer. And the world has a wide range of plant species and the uniqueness that we did not previously imagined. Do not believe? Consider the following facts:

1. Did you know the size of the largest flower in the world? If you answered Rafflesia arnoldii, then your answer is not wrong. These plants can indeed grow up to three feet wide and can reach 11 kg weight. This plant occurs only in the forests of Sumatra and Kalimantan. But, did you know that Amorphophallus titanum otherwise known as The Titan Arum can reach three feet tall with up to three meters tall, and able to weigh 80 kg or about 170 pounds! If you want to know the shape of flowers, look at 500 rupiah banknotes ancient times, yup that's a dead flowers ever found in the interior of Sumatra.

2. If there's largest flower in the world, surely there are flowers with the smallest size in the world. Record holder for world's smallest flower falls on plants in the genus Wolffia species, a type of plant without roots is very small in the types of duckweed family (Lemnaceae) that live in streams and pools of still water. This plant is also regarded as a plant with the smallest size in the world. There are two species of the genus Wolffia, namely Wolffia soniapedro, the Australian species, and Wolffia globosa, a tropical species. Average plant species has only a size not more than 1 mm, with average weight of just 150 micrograms!

3. Almost all plants originated from seeds (seed). Did you know that the seed that has the greatest size and weight of the world is Coco-de-Mer Palm (Lodoicea maldivica) derived from the Seychelles Islands in the Indian Ocean. Can reach 12 inches in length with a weight can reach 40 pounds. While the seed that has the smallest size in the world is derived from the orchid family (Orchidaceae). One seed weighs just an ounce reached 1/35.000.000!

4. Once before, a tree with the highest record in the world fell on trees in Redwood National Park is named after the Stratosphere Giant. Height reaches 113 meters. But that record has allegedly broken by the discovery of three trees in the same park. Presumably, the high tree named Hyperion that can be reached 115.2 meters. Until now still waiting for confirmation to establish Hyperion become the world's tallest tree.

5. Want to know what the biggest organism on earth? Elephant? Not. Blue Whale? Nor was it. The answer is a type of fungus (fungus) called armillaria ostoyae or honey mushroom dihidup in the Malheur National Forest in eastern Oregon, USA. Fungi that live approximately three feet below the ground surface and a total of approximately 890 hectares and at least 2400 years old, and even more! Believe it or not, the organisms that live underground was not a bunch of mushrooms, but only one fungus alone!

6. Want to know what kinds of plants from the dinosaur era until now still there? The answer is, or maidenhair tree species known as Ginkgo or Ginkgo Biloba. Plant species that already exist in the Jurrasic period and the Triassic period (135-210 million years ago

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