Thursday, September 16, 2010

Unique Facts: About Mobile

Mobile phones, mobile, or mobile phones have become a necessity in our society. The level of fixed line penetration defeat (lo call it that hang in homes that are still using a cable) that only the range of 4%. When combined with a fixed wireless (CDMA user types so deh) dwell only on the number of less than 15%. Compare with mobile phone users (GSM users) that almost reached the figure of 30% of the total population of Indonesia! Of course it is a very fantastic numbers, considering the development of fixed line has been going on for decades, while the phone only took 10 years to touch the figure of 25%. Here is the unique and interesting facts of this phenomenal device:

1. Telecom operators with the largest number of subscribers in the world was hold by China Mobile. Subscribers reached 200 million people more. Exceed customer's position Vodafone has about 186 million people.

2. 3G service subscribers in the world is NTT DoCoMo of Japan. Subscribers to reach 29 million people. Second place was occupied by 3 italy Italy from countries with a total of approximately 8 million customers. While the third position achieved by SoftBank Mobile from Japan.

3. The fastest SMS typed record held by Ang Chuang Yang. Adolescents 16 years of successful Singapore typing SMS is 160 characters in just 41.52 seconds. Achievements Ang times broke the previously recorded American Ben Cook in July 2006, with a record time of 42.22 seconds.

4. The world's first camera phone was the Sharp J-SH04 issued in Japan in November of 2000. This phone has a camera resolution of 110,000 pixels.

5. The world's first mobile phone virus created by Job de Haas, a computer security researchers in the Netherlands, in 2001. This virus can damage your Nokia cell phone via SMS text message alias.

6. The first commercial mobile phone was launched to the market is the Motorola DynaTAC 8000x in 1983.

7. SMS (Short Messages Services) was first transmitted through the Vodafone GSM network in the UK in December 1992. The text that is sent is "Merry Christmas".

8. Phones that have the ability to move in a dual mode (GSM / WCDMA) is Nokia 6650. This phone was launched on 26 September 2002.

9. The world's smallest mobile phone held by the Xun Chi 138. This phone has a length of 2.64 inches (6.7 cm) and weighs less than 2 ounces (56.69 grams). Has supported resolution touch screen display 260 thousand colors, 1.3MP camera, music player and 121MB of internal memory.

10. Mobile blogging (moBlog) was first created by Tom Vilmer Paamand on 21 May 2000.

1 Comment:

KenzieAgusta on September 16, 2010 said...


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