Saturday, July 2, 2011

Know the Meaning of Dreams Sensual Five

Dreams have sexual intercourse not only occur in men. Women also often experience it. Sometimes, when waking you will feel confused because the dream felt so real.

Dreams can be a manifestation of the subconscious mind. A dream to have sex does not mean anything if it only happens once. However, it will have meaning if often happens to you.

Here are five dreams meaning 'heat' that often occurs in Wanit, as quoted from

1. Sex with a partner
If you dream of having sex with a partner, can mean two contradictory things. "Whether your relationship is really stable, or you do not get satisfaction from your partner," said Dr..
Ketan Parmar, a sexologist.

Maybe you can do an evaluation of the relationship with her husband. If you get yourself not satisfied with their sex lives with a partner, talk to get the best solution.

2. Sex with ex-lover
You may never compare couples with a former lover. However, that does not mean it does not happen in your subconscious.

"Maybe you feel the loss of a great romance with her or even losing the figure of a former lover," says Dr. Anand Tiwari, a sexologist.

3. Sex with celebrities
According to Drs. Parmar, this happens because you want something more on the couple. This excess turns out there on your favorite celebrities.

"Obviously, you compare the physical or the success of your favorite celebrities with the quality that you see on the couple," says Dr. Parmar.

4. Having sex with other women
If you believe you are a normal woman who still loves a man, this dream is just an aberration. However, if the dream is recurring, there is a possibility that you are attracted to the same sex in real life.

"It could also mean that you are looking for a partner who is more caring and gentle with you," said Dr.. Parmar.

5. Affair
This dream will probably bother you. Usually, this happens when you decide a big step in your relationship, like marriage.

The dream could mean that you are anxious and worried about the major changes that will occur. Dreams can also mean that you do not get enough time to spend with your partner. Or, you need a tighter emotional bond with him.

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