Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nokia-Windows 7 Phone Official Finally Unite

Puzzle-related platform that Nokia will be carried to 'serve' its competitors are now fulfilled. It was none other than thanks to the announcement of a partnership between Nokia and Microsoft today, Friday (11/02/2011) in London.

One of the interesting points to the existence of the alliance officially Nokia Phone Windows platforms will carry on its main smartphone. Although it has been officially took the platform created by Microsoft, does not mean Nokia throw away the platform that during the main weapon, namely Symbian.

As quoted via Engadget, reported that Symbian will continue to exist and became a 'franchise platform'. While Meego as an Open Source platform, and still be used on Nokia smartphones that are expected to ship later in 2011 this.

Interestingly, in addition to carrying the WP7 platform, in a deal with Microsoft, Nokia also will adopt Bing. The Ovi Store will be integrated with the Windows Marketplace.

How gait Nokia after the official arm of Microsoft, we wait for its development.

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