Monday, September 27, 2010

5 Ways To Increase Alexa Rank Quickly

Influential factors in improving alexa ranking.

Alexa ranking is taken based on traffic or visitors coming to your website / blog. And the traffic data was taken from Alexa toolbar installed on millions of computers in the world.

But not only that, the Alexa rank is also influenced by other factors. Here are the factors to improve alexa ranking.

A quick way to increase Alexa Rank

1. Find as many guests.
2. Install the alexa widget on your website.
3. Install the Alexa toolbar on your web browser.
4. Create article about alexa on your website.
5. Make your website as the homepage on your web browser.

Do these five tips on how to improve alexa rank them. If you managed to do well, most likely alexa ranking your website or blog will increase rapidly.

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